About me

🚧 Coming soon: Professional narrative summary 🚧

What I can do for you or your team

Accessible research software development

I love writing open source software that solves hard problems with simple interfaces and strong documentation. With a focus on accessibility, research communities can continue work that would otherwise stagnate.

I can help implement research software algorithms, improve research code quality, develop data processing pipelines, design accessible data visualizations, and more!


I am passionate about learning and teaching, and in 2023 I developed a 3-day open source geospatial workshop for researchers and became a certified Carpentries instructor. I can help with, among other things:

  • Git and GitHub
  • Python
  • Geospatial data and software development
  • Unix and Linux shell
  • Custom workshops

Community engagement and inclusion

I’m an open source software developer with a passion for community engagement. I provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for contributors of all levels to help create a diverse and healthy community. An important part of my approach is comprehensive, standards-based, accessible, and continuously-updated documentation supported by community outreach.

Mentoring and leadership

I build two-way mutually beneficial mentoring relationships that foster growth at all career levels and healthy team culture. My culture leadership, developer experience leadership, and organizational development work is based on research by Peggy Holman and Dr. Cat Hicks. I strive to build a collaborative and inclusive team culture that values dialog over debate.