How to add a disk

Pass through to VM

Add a pass-through disk by filling in this template. Look at the existing passed through disks and increment the virtio ID by 1. Always use by-id identifiers for disks instead of e.g. /dev/sda, as the latter can change between boots.

qm set <VMID> -virtio<ID> /dev/disk/by-id/ata-<ID>

e.g. if I already have virtio1-virtio4 on VMID 100, I would add virtio5:

qm set 100 -virtio5 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-HGST_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX

Backup and replication must be disabled in the Proxmox GUI to avoid these disks being included in automated full-disk backups.