✅ 2023-11-12: Node failure


Why is everything failing at the same time?

After a full shutdown to turn off power to do electrical work, the Data Node now power cycles about once per second instead of booting. There’s a brief hard drive noise in each cycle, but no beep from the motherboard speaker. The boot loop can be stopped by holding the power button.


Diagnosed a motherboard failure. Rationale:

  • Symptoms began after a full shutdown.
  • Symptoms:
    • Fans spin for ~1 second on pushing power button, then stop. Repeats after ~1 second delay, indefinitely.
    • No display
    • No beep from built-in speaker
    • No POST
    • Power cycling stops after holding powr button for 5 seconds.
  • Symptoms unchanged when removing all components (one by one): disks, RAM sticks, CPU.
  • Symptoms unchanged when replacing (one by one): PSU, PSU cables, wall outlets, CMOS CR2032 battery.
  • Symptoms unchanged with multiple PSUs, PSU cables, and wall outlets.

After replacing motherboard, the system resumed functioning.